Manufacturer of air filters
ISO 14001
Environmental Protection and Time Efficiency
From the very beginning of the company’s existence, the main priority has been the care for the environment…
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ISO 14001 From the very beginning of the company’s existence, the main priority has been the care for the environment, both in terms of the products manufactured and the production process itself. A significant portion of investments is dedicated to implementing initiatives that more efficiently utilize resources, improving their impact on the natural environment, as well as safety and occupational hygiene. The environmental initiatives are primarily focused on: conserving natural resources and energy required for product manufacturing, reducing emissions of pollutants into the environment, and practicing responsible waste management. Furthermore, the company has established, implemented, and maintains a procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response to identify and respond to potential hazardous situations and incidents that may affect the environment. All purchases of goods and services are carried out with consideration for environmental aspects.