Standards and Testing


The European Commission continually introduces new air purification standards… Testing of Air Filters For nominal values and specifications of air filters, their grouping into different filter classes has proven beneficial in Europe. Classification, i.e., assigning filters to standardized filter classes, is based on filter efficiency according to the applicable European norms. The testing procedures used for this purpose are standardized for pre-filters and fine filters in ISO 16890, and for HEPA and ULPA filters in EN 1822.

Air filter testing methods

  • Metody badań filtrów powietrza
    Podział filtrów powietrza na klasy jakości dokonywany jest na podstawie wielkości skuteczności filtracji (lub współczynnika przeskoku – w przypadku filtrów wysokoskutecznych) określanej przy użyciu odpowiedniej dla danej klasy filtrów metody pomiarowej oraz właściwego aerozolu testowego. Pomiary te przeprowadzane są w wyspecjalizowanych ośrodkach badawczych. Na ich podstawie producent filtrów otrzymuje charakterystykę filtru, zawierającą wartości wszystkich niezbędnych parametrów filtracyjnych.
  • Testowanie filtrów powietrza
    Dla wartości znamionowych i specyfikacji filtrów powietrza, ich pogrupowanie w różne klasy filtrów okazało się być korzystne w Europie. Klasyfikacja, tj. przydział do znormalizowanych klas filtrów dokonywany jest na podstawie efektywności filtra wg obowiązujących w Europie norm. Procedury testowe służące do tego celu są znormalizowane dla filtrów przeciwpyłowych wstępnego i dokładnego oczyszczania w EN 16890, a dla filtrów HEPA i ULPA, w EN 1822.

Introduction to the PN-EN ISO 16890 standard

Since 2017, the classification of all air filters has been undergoing changes, including pre-filters, fine filters, and high-efficiency filters. In 2020, modifications will also be introduced in the classification of high-efficiency filters.

The new PN-EN ISO 16890 standards regarding air filtration for general ventilation define a new classification of filters, replacing the current PN-EN 779:2012 standard.

According to ISO 16890, filters are divided into classes based on their efficiency in relation to particle fractions in the test dust: ePM1, ePM2.5, ePM10, and ISO Coarse (coarse filters). The filter efficiency is determined for particles (PM – Particulate Matter) with sizes ranging from 0.3 μm to 10 μm.

The new PN-EN 779:2012 standard

Anti-dust air filters for general ventilation – Determining filtration parameters

New standard PN-EN 1822-1:2009

The European standard EN 1822-1:2009 applies to high-efficiency and very low penetration air filters used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and air for technological processes, e.g. for clean rooms or in the pharmaceutical industry. It establishes a procedure for determining the effectiveness of the filter on the basis of the particle counting method using liquid (alternatively solid) particle test aerosols and allows for a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their local and total effectiveness.

New PN-EN 779:2012 Standard Air filters for general ventilation - Determination of filtration parameters

The new PN-EN 779:2012 standard specifies the requirements for air filters used in general ventilation systems. It defines the procedures for determining the filtration parameters of the filters. This standard is applicable to particulate air filters and provides guidelines for evaluating their performance based on particle removal efficiency and pressure drop measurements.

New EN 1822-1:2009 Standard European Standard EN 1822-1:2009 is applied to high-efficiency filters with very low penetration used in ventilation, air conditioning, and air supply for technological processes, such as cleanrooms or the pharmaceutical industry. It establishes a procedure for determining the filter efficiency based on the counting method using liquid- (alternatively solid-) particle test aerosols. It allows for the standardized classification of these filters in terms of their local and overall effectiveness.

Introduction of the new European standard EN 1822 This document describes the previous state of various national standards, based on different criteria, for testing the efficiency of HEPA and ULPA filters. The increasing demand from new sectors such as the microelectronics industry, as well as the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, combined with improved particle counting technology, has led to the need for establishing a new standard.

Introduction to EN779:2002 Standard


In 2002, the European Committee for Standardization, Technical Committee 195, Working Group 1 (CEN/TC195-WG1) established a new standard for air filters used in general ventilation. This standard, identified as EN779:2002, replaced the existing EN779:1993 standard. CEN member countries are obligated to issue their own national versions of this standard within the scope of their respective standardization organizations’ existing work programs. The procedures described in this standard were developed based on the provisions of EN779:1993 and Eurovent 4/9:1997. The basic test rig configuration presented in EN779:1993 was retained, with the exception of the equipment used to measure the opacity of atmospheric aerosols (“dust spot”). Instead, a uniform dispersion of DEHS aerosol (or equivalent) is introduced upstream of the tested filter in the cross-sectional channel. Representative samples taken before and after the filter are analyzed using an optical particle counter (OPC) to provide data on the filter’s particle removal efficiency.